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Carp Fishing in France - The Lake


Utopia: A well astablished, mature 10 acre Lake, 8 purpose made swims. The lake has depths ranging from 3 metres deepest part in winter to 70cm shallowest part in summer with silt pockets, gravel bars, plateaus, weed beds and overhanging trees in the margins, all of which you can see the fish bubbling. The carp put on some magnificent aerial displays throughout the day just to let you know they are there.


The stock of the lake is very good with over 2 tonne of fish being introduced in 1997, and several more Ton's by ourselves over the past few years. Some of these carp are as big as 61lbs. There is now approximately 400 carp stocked in the lake, with another stocking that took place in December 2007. These fish are now all gaining weight and we are seeing the repoduction of the carp.

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